Land, forests, mountains, grasslands, unreclaimed land, beaches and other areas that are stipulated by law to be under collective ownership; (一)法律规定为集体所有的土地和森林、山岭、草原、荒地、滩涂等;
State-owned mineral resources may be mined according to law by units under ownership by the whole people and units under collective ownership; 国家所有的矿藏,可以依法由全民所有制单位和集体所有制单位开采,也可以依法由公民采挖。国家保护合法的采矿权。
Article 8 Rural people's communes, agricultural producers cooperatives and other forms of cooperatives economy, such as producers ', supply and marketing, credit and consumers cooperatives, belong to the sector of socialist economy under collective ownership by the working people. 第八条农村人民公社、农业生产合作社和其他生产、供销、信用、消费等各种形式的合作经济,是社会主义劳动群众集体所有制经济。
The various forms of cooperative economy in the cities and towns, such as those in the handicraft, industrial, building, transport, commercial and service trades, all belong to the sector of socialist economy under collective ownership by the working people. 城镇中的手工业、工业、建筑业、运输业、商业、服务业等行业的各种形式的合作经济,都是社会主义劳动群众集体所有制经济。
In the countryside, land is under collective ownership. 农民的土地是集体所有。
The principle of collective ownership could not be changed, but farmers 'rights could be clarified and rural land markets of sorts could be established. 集体所有制的根本原则不能动摇,但是农民的权益可以进行明确,各种类别的农村土地市场也可以建立起来。
We should guide the peasants step by step from individual ownership to collective ownership in accordance with the voluntary principle. 我们应当按照自愿的原则,把农民由个体所有制逐步引导到集体所有制。
Collective ownership by the working people advocating centralization. 劳动群众集体所有权提倡中央集权主义的人。
And our company are an enterprise under collective ownership. 惰性气体保护金属极弧焊同时,本公司是属集体所有制性质的。
In the future there will also be contradictions, between state ownership and collective ownership. 将来国有制和集体所有制也是有矛盾的。
An enterprise owned by the whole people or under collective ownership 全民所有制企业、集体所有制企业
The right of citizens and collectives to contract for management of land under collective ownership or of state-owned land under collective use shall be protected by law. 公民、集体依法对集体所有的或者国家所有由集体使用的土地的承包经营权,受法律保护。
We may analyze the character of our collective ownership of country lands through referring to correlative systems about Continental and Anglo-American legal system. 参照大陆法系与英美法系的相关制度分析我国农村土地集体所有的性质。
It is the development of collective ownership and other non-public ownership that has provided foreign investors new opportunities to enter the Chinese market. 集体经济和非公有制经济的发展,为外国投资者进入中国市场提供了新的机遇。
There must be a transition from individual ownership to collective ownership, to socialism. 个体所有制必须过渡到集体所有制,过渡到社会主义。
The bill also explicitly rejects any change to the system of collective ownership of rural land, where farmer occupiers have only usage rights over limited contract periods rather than any title that can be bought and sold. 该法律草案还明确否定了农村土地集体所有制的任何变化。在农村,居民只拥有有限承包期内的土地使用权,而没有任何可供买卖的所有权。
The other was to promote collective ownership, that is, to set up small and medium-sized enterprises. 还有一条是发展了集体所有制,也就是发展了中小企业。
An Ontological Attribute of Linguistic Structure: Structure-Boundary Unity And our company are an enterprise under collective ownership. 认知语言学视角下的语言结构本体属性:结构&边界统一体同时,本公司是属集体所有制性质的。
In addition, it is the state and collective ownership of land ill-defined problems. 此外,还探讨了国家与集体土地所有权界限不清的问题。
The industry producing the merchandise under investigation should be characterized by private or collective ownership. 被调查商品所属的行业应以私人企业或集体所有制企业为主。
Co-operatives are not the same as state enterprises and there is a difference between socialist collective ownership and socialist ownership by the whole people. 合作社和国家企业不一样,社会主义集体所有制和社会主义全民所有制有区别。
But if we abandon capitalism for collective ownership and central planning, we really will be acting like psychopaths. 但如果我们为了集体所有制和中央计划而放弃资本主义,那么我们就是真正的“精神病患者”。
Research on the Independence Value of the Collective Ownership of Land 农民集体土地所有权的独立性价值研究
Litchi species is not my home. However, there is a large hill, under the collective ownership. 我家不种荔枝。但后山有一大片,归集体所有。
Owner's equity results from state investment in the collective ownership enterprise and the income earned therefrom. 国家对集体企业的投资及其收益形成的所有者权益。
Deepening System Reform of Collective Ownership of Forests and Speeding up the Forest Land Circulation 集体林权制度改革与林地流转初步研究
It guarantees that the major means of production in society are possessed by all the working people through the ownership by the whole people and the collective ownership by the laboring masses. 通过全民所有帛和劳动群众集体所有制,使社会的主要生产资料为劳动人民共同占有。
Reform on the system of collective ownership of forest was launched in an all-round way, promoting another great liberation of social productive forces in rural areas. 集体林权制度改革全面开展,推动了农村社会生产力的又一次大解放。
Collective Ownership of Rural Land: Tenure or Principal-Agent Problem; 农地制度:所有权问题还是委托-代理问题?
Collective ownership is code for "no ownership". 集体所有权就相当于没有所有权。